6 Home Workouts For All Fitness Levels

Thinking of some kick ass home workouts isn't always easy, especially when you have little to no equipment. But trust as when we say, your options are NOT limited.

You would be amazed at what results you can achieve using your own bodyweight and/or few pieces of versatile equipment. In fact, we will prove it to you!

Below we have shared 6 of our best full body, home workouts. Each workout requires either no equipment, a set of dumbbells (or ybells), or a rack, barbell and weight plates

You can choose between our beginner or advanced routines, offering something for everyone! LETS GO!


TABATA is a form of high intensity interval training (HIIT) that involves short bursts of intense work, followed by a brief period of rest.

This form of cardio training provides a quick and effective method for burning a ton of calories in a short amount of time. 

If you're lacking the motivation to workout at home, or if you're days are flying by, then a short n' sweet workout is exactly what you need. These TABATA routines are an awesome way to get the job fast, helping you stay on track your with goals.


40 seconds on: 20 seconds off | Total workout time: 20 minutes

2 rounds, complete each round 2 times.

1. Squats                    1. Side Plank (left)
2. Push Up's 2. Side Planks (right)
3. Star Jumps 3. Alternating Lunges
4. Sit Up's 4. Glute Bridges
5. Knee Up's 5. Supermans

Certain exercises can be altered to make them easier for you. For example, the push up's can be completed on your knee's or using a bench. You can also slow down the knee's up by completing them at a walking pace as opposed to a running. Adjust the exercises according to your capabilities, but make sure you aren't slacking off!


50 seconds on: 10 seconds off | Total workout time: 20 minutes

2 rounds, complete each round 2 times.

1. Jump Squats                    1. Side Plank  + Dips (left)
2. Push Up's 2. Side Planks + Dips (right)
3. Star Jumps 3. Jump Lunges
4. Sit Up to Stand 4. Glute Bridges
5. Knee Up's 5. T - Supermans

Just as exercises can be made easier, they can also be made more difficult. If you're looking to up the ante, try using a chair or bench to elevate your legs for the glute bridge or elevate your side planks by supporting yourself on your hand, rather than your forearm. 


EMOM stands for 'every minute on the minute'. Essentially what this means is that you have 60 seconds to complete 'X' amount of reps. If you finish before the minute is over, you've earned some rest time. If you don't finish up early, you jump straight into the next exercise without any rest. Simples!


      6 Exercises, 5 rounds | Total workout time: 30 minutes
        Exercise 1: 10 Bicep curls
        Exercise 2: 16 Walking lunges (8 each leg)
        Exercise 3: 10 Romanian deadlifts
        Exercise 4: 10 Lateral raises
        Exercise 5: 10 Goblet Squats 
        Exercise 6: 10 Skull crushers
          If you're struggling to complete each exercise set before the minute ends, shave off a rep or two to give yourself some time to breathe!


            6 Exercises, 5 rounds | Total workout time: 30 minutes
              Exercise 1: 10 Bicep curls to shoulder press
              Exercise 2: 24 Walking lunges (10 each leg)
              Exercise 3: 10 Romanian deadlifts to squats
              Exercise 4: 12 Dumbbell row
              Exercise 5: 12 Goblet Squats 
              Exercise 6: 12 Russian Twists



              You already know we love a good strength session, especially at home! I mean, who doesn't love squatting in their slippers, am I right?! 

              These full-body strength sessions will get you looking jacked, and feeling even better!


              5 Exercises, 3 sets of each | Total workout time: approx. 45 minutes

              Complete 3 sets of each exercise, taking 60 seconds rest between sets.

              Exercise 1: 3 X 12 barbell back squats
              Exercise 2: 3 X 12 barbell push press
              Exercise 3: 3 X 12 barbell bent over row to upright stance
              Exercise 4: 3 X 20 (10 each leg) plate overhead alternating lunges
              Exercise 5: 3 X 30 second wall sit (holding weight plate)
                Make sure you choose weights that are challenging without compromising your form. 


                  5 Exercises, 3 sets of each | Total workout time: approx. 45 minutes

                  Complete 3 sets of each exercise, taking 30 seconds rest between sets.

                  Exercise 1: 3 X 12 barbell back squat + 1/2 squat 
                  Exercise 23 X 24 (12 each leg) plate overhead alternating lunges
                  Exercise 33 X 45 second wall sit (holding weight plate)
                  Exercise 43 X 12 barbell bent over row 
                  Exercise 53 X 12 barbell overhead press
                    We hope you love these workouts! And if you give them a go, be sure to share with us some photos of your hard work, or drop a comment about how you went below! 💪

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